· 句意 ·战争的硝烟连绵不断,若能在此时此刻收到家信,那可比万两黄金还珍贵。描写音讯阻断久盼不至的迫切心情,表达对远方亲人的深切惦念。· 英译 ·The war seems endless. Receiving a letter from home is more valuable than getting a great dea...[继续阅读]
· 句意 ·战争的硝烟连绵不断,若能在此时此刻收到家信,那可比万两黄金还珍贵。描写音讯阻断久盼不至的迫切心情,表达对远方亲人的深切惦念。· 英译 ·The war seems endless. Receiving a letter from home is more valuable than getting a great dea...[继续阅读]
· 句意 ·苏州城外那寂寞清静的寒山古寺,半夜里敲响的钟声传到了我的客船里。表达了诗人旅途中孤寂忧愁的思乡之情。· 英译 ·There is an ancient temple on the mountain which is outside Suzhou city. In the midnight, the stroke from the ancient temple ...[继续阅读]
· 句意 ·春雨后潮水骤涨,荒无人烟的渡口,一叶小舟任雨打潮拍,独自在水中漂泊。描写郊野自然恬静的风光,表达了诗人对恬淡、闲适生活的向往之情。· 英译 ·The spring rain brings a tide, and at the deserted ferry, a little boat with nobody in...[继续阅读]
· 句意 ·我欢快地骑着马儿奔驰在春风里,一天的时间就把长安城的美景全看完了。表达诗人科举得中时的万分喜悦之情。· 英译 ·I was riding a horse quickly and cheerfully in the spring wind, and its only one day that I wentthrough all the beautiful sig...[继续阅读]
· 句意 ·慈祥的母亲忙着给即将远行的孩子千针万线地缝制衣服。赞颂慈母恩情。· 英译 ·A gracious mother is busy sewing clothes for her son who will leave for a distant place.To appreciate the great maternal love.· 原诗 ·游子吟 唐 孟郊慈母手...[继续阅读]
· 句意 · 所有的山上都看不见飞鸟的影子,每一条小路上都见不到行人的踪迹。描写了孤寂凄冷的环境,寄托自己孤傲清高的情怀。· 英译 ·There is neither a single bird in thousands of mountains, nor a single footprint on hundreds of paths. To describe...[继续阅读]
· 句意 ·沉船旁边,千帆竞渡;病树前面,万树争春。阐明新事物总会取代旧事物的哲理。· 英译 ·Beside the shipwreck, thousands of boats pass by. In front of the withered tree, tons of trees are emerging.To explain the philosophy that new things will always replace o...[继续阅读]
· 句意 ·东边阳光灿烂而西边细雨绵绵,说是无晴实则是有晴。 “晴”谐音“情”,表达了沉浸在初恋中的少女既欢喜又担忧对方态度的一种微妙复杂的心情。· 英译 ·Its sunny in the east and rainy in the west. I think its a rainy day but actua...[继续阅读]
· 句意 ·大火烧不尽生命顽强的野草,只要春风一吹,它又萌发,呈现出勃勃生机。赞颂野草的坚忍不拔和顽强的生命力,表达积极向上的精神。· 英译 ·Fire can never burn all the grass out, because as soon as the spring wind comes, they begin to grow a...[继续阅读]
· 句意 ·愿做天上比翼齐飞的鸟儿,愿为地上连枝而生的树木。表达了忠贞的爱情。· 英译 ·We are willing to be birds flying together in thesky, and branches growing together on the ground.To appreciate the faithful love between a couple.· 原诗 ·长恨歌(节选...[继续阅读]