· 句意 ·天空蔚蓝深邃,旷野辽阔深远,风吹过,草浪动荡起伏,在牧草低伏下去的地方,有牛羊闪现出来。 描绘了西北草原的壮美风光,表现了游牧民对家乡的热爱。· 英译 ·Its blue all over the sky. Boundless grass covers the pasture land. When w...[继续阅读]
· 句意 ·天空蔚蓝深邃,旷野辽阔深远,风吹过,草浪动荡起伏,在牧草低伏下去的地方,有牛羊闪现出来。 描绘了西北草原的壮美风光,表现了游牧民对家乡的热爱。· 英译 ·Its blue all over the sky. Boundless grass covers the pasture land. When w...[继续阅读]
· 句意 ·只要在世上有知心朋友,就是远隔天涯海角也像近邻一样亲近。安慰将远行的朋友,强调真挚友谊的可贵。· 英译 ·If there is an intimate friend in the world, well feel that we are just close like neighbors thoughbeing so far apart.To comfort the fri...[继续阅读]
· 句意 ·前代的贤君既不复可见,后来的贤明之主也来不及见到。诗人感叹自己生不逢时,表达了失意的寂寞与苦闷。· 英译 ·The wise emperors in the preceding dynasties havegone, and theres no chance to meet the subsequentones before I m gone.To express the...[继续阅读]
· 句意 ·这千万条美丽的柳丝不知是谁的巧手裁剪的,原来二月的春风像那神奇的剪刀。诗人将春风比成剪刀,赞美了春的无限生机和活力。· 英译 ·Who cuts the leaves so thin and pretty? Well, springwind in February must be a pair of magic scissors.T...[继续阅读]
· 句意 ·年少时离开家乡,年老时才回来,口音未变鬓发却已疏落。 表达对人生倏忽的慨叹和对故乡深情的依恋。· 英译 ·I left my hometown when I was young, and came back when I was much older. My accent hasnt changed, but my hair turned white.To describe th...[继续阅读]
· 句意 · 要想看到千里之外的美景,就要再登上一层楼,站得更高一些。诗句揭示了一个哲理:站得高,才看得远。· 英译 ·If you want to see the beautiful scene far away, you have to climb up one more storey in this tower.To show the philosophy: the higher you ...[继续阅读]
· 句意 ·何须吹奏那哀怨的《折杨柳》去埋怨春光迟迟,春风根本就吹不到边远的玉门关。表达出戍守边疆的将士思乡怀土之情。· 英译 ·Its not necessary to flute the sad song to complain the late spring. The spring wind cantblow that far at all.To exp...[继续阅读]
· 句意 ·辽阔无边的大海上升起一轮皎洁的明月,远方的亲人此刻正与我同望月光,共享这美好时刻。表达了对远方亲人的思念之情。· 英译 ·The bright moon rises from the boundless ocean, and my family in a distant place share this pure moonlight with ...[继续阅读]
· 句意 ·四野空旷,远远看去似乎天比树还要低;月亮映在清澈见底的水中,似乎离人更近了。描写傍晚江边景色,表达了旅途中的愁思。· 英译 ·Its quiet all around, and the sky seems to be lower than the trees. The moon reflects in the water, and we fee...[继续阅读]
· 句意 ·时逢春季,酣睡不觉天亮,醒来后听到到处是欢快的小鸟婉转啼鸣。展示了一幅明媚且充满生机的春晨图,表达了对春天的喜爱之情。· 英译 ·It is in the spring when I sleep heavily all the night.When I wake up, its already morning and birds a...[继续阅读]