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文溯阁 《四库全书》藏书楼

2005年7月,在兰州建成了一座专门保存文溯阁《四库全书》的藏书楼,古朴典雅,气 势恢宏。这里,现存放18世纪后期以前中国历代文化典籍3400多种,41000多册。
In July 2005,a building named wenyuange was built to keep the encyclopedia of the four archives 70 kilometers away from Lanzhou city. The Siku Quanshu Compiled during the 18th century,represents a massive heritage of 5,000 years of Chinese civilization,including literature,classics,history and philosophy. Now Wensuge contains 41 thousand volumes of book,served as the most significant single database of pre-modern Chinese texts.

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