我想,大家在电视都看到了,云南、广西等地方遭受了严重的旱灾,土地干旱了,小朋友们喝的水都浑浊了,可他们还是照样的喝,对于我们这些人来说,水,是无穷无尽的,永远都不会用得完。 当然,我们一打开水龙头,谁就会哗哗地往下流,根本就没有想过水会干旱!我们经常把干净的水倒...[继续阅读]
我想,大家在电视都看到了,云南、广西等地方遭受了严重的旱灾,土地干旱了,小朋友们喝的水都浑浊了,可他们还是照样的喝,对于我们这些人来说,水,是无穷无尽的,永远都不会用得完。 当然,我们一打开水龙头,谁就会哗哗地往下流,根本就没有想过水会干旱!我们经常把干净的水倒...[继续阅读]
西南干旱给我国的西南也就是云南部分造成了很大的影响,这次干旱也同时发动了我国巨大的人力和物力的支援。只见他们那边的地区,土地上面,硬邦邦的就好像一块块分裂开来的拼图一样。 人们一个个都是靠着剩下来的水维持生命的。还有一些地去已经没有剩余的水了,便找地面上的泥水来...[继续阅读]
可怕的烈日: 你好! 您的热度太热了,每秒就可以晒死一株植物,而我也就只是沙漠里的一条小河,我每天多辛苦你知不知道?我每天要早起,因为这些小鱼宝们起的太早了,他们又淘气,于是我只能早早的起来照顾他们。不仅这样,到了白天,你升起来了,整个沙漠像一个锅一样,想蒸发...[继续阅读]
现在正是非洲草原的旱季,已经连续几个月没有下雨了。 狮王塔拉的领地中大部分河流都干涸了,只剩下这片区域内最大的湖。 不过现在,它也在变小。 狮王塔拉率着他的狮群来到池塘边,利用这唯一水源对食草动物们的诱惑进行捕猎。食草动物怎么会不知道塔拉打的算盘呢?半晌,居...[继续阅读]
Today‘s society is a highly developed technological society. However, the shortcomings in the development process are obvious, such as: carbon dioxide, and environmental pollution. But the most serious should be the carbon dioxide problem. Now the problem of global warming because of excess emissions of greenhouse gases. Excessive amount of carbon dioxide emissions, creating a diversifie...[继续阅读]
Saving water is very important for us.There will be fewer fresh water in the future.We must avoid any chance of wasting water.We should take actions in or daily life.For example,take shoter water at any time,leave the sink running.Every time you use water,you should turns off taps after using.We need to be careful and save a little bit of water for years and years. Pale, dry, baked ...[继续阅读]
(你并不孤单) Before the coming of 2012,the drought of china is coming,in the southwest of china,millions of people suffer frome drought,and it is said that this situation has not happened for nearly 60 years. and fortunately,the goverment has taken many measures to protect the suffering people ,as you can see,the water is the problem.so to dig up wells is necesary.so...[继续阅读]
(衷心祝愿您平安) At the beginning of 2010,the southwest of china suffer from lacking of water,espacialy for yunnan province,milions of people has not got enough water for common life. i am sorry to see all of the photos,which come frome the southwest,but at this moment,contry"s moment,just like 2008 the easqueck of sichuan province,and also at this moment i can dee...[继续阅读]
一方有难,八方支援。看过图片之后,我才知道:中国许多人正在饱受旱灾的折磨,水,对他们来说是那么宝贵,而我们,却在浪费…… 我从来都不曾知道,水是那么的宝贵,干旱是那么的可怕。他们脸上的神情足以让我沉思很久很久,我努力地在我脑海中寻找一个词语形容……终于,“期盼...[继续阅读]
自从去年入秋以来,西南五省区就糟受了前所未有的干旱灾害,直到现在干旱情况仍未缓解,现已导致两千多万人饮水困难,一亿多亩耕地干旱,大量土地减收甚至绝收,西南人民生产生活遭受了巨大的危机。 五省区中,受灾最严重的是云南省,云南全境几乎都有不同程度的旱情,许多人一天...[继续阅读]