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Digital pathology-based artificial intelligence models for differential diagnosis and prognosis of sporadic odontogenic keratocysts

    Digital pathology-based artificial intelligence models for differential diagnosis and prognosis of sporadic odontogenic keratocysts...[继续阅读]

International Journal of Oral Science2024-06-15

The osteoclastic activity in apical distal region of molar mesial roots affects orthodontic tooth movement and root resorption in rats

    The osteoclastic activity in apical distal region of molar mesial roots affects orthodontic tooth movement and root resorption in rats...[继续阅读]

International Journal of Oral Science2024-06-15

Transcriptomic and cellular decoding of scaffolds-induced suture mesenchyme regeneration

    Transcriptomic and cellular decoding of scaffolds-induced suture mesenchyme regeneration...[继续阅读]

International Journal of Oral Science2024-06-15

PRX1-positive mesenchymal stem cells drive molar morphogenesis

    PRX1-positive mesenchymal stem cells drive molar morphogenesis...[继续阅读]

International Journal of Oral Science2024-06-15

Tim4 deficiency reduces CD301b~+ macrophage and aggravates periodontitis bone loss

    Tim4 deficiency reduces CD301b;macrophage and aggravates periodontitis bone loss...[继续阅读]

International Journal of Oral Science2024-06-15

A multi-platform analysis of human gingival crevicular fluid reveals ferroptosis as a relevant regulated cell death mechanism during the clinical progression of periodontitis

    A multi-platform analysis of human gingival crevicular fluid reveals ferroptosis as a relevant regulated cell death mechanism during the clinical progression of periodontitis...[继续阅读]

International Journal of Oral Science2024-06-15