1. 颞中动、静脉 Middle temporal a.,v.2. 颞浅动脉 Superf. temporal a.3.耳后动脉 Post. auricular a.4.面神经 Facial n.5. 胸锁乳突肌 Sternocleidomastoid m.6.二腹肌后腹 Post. belly of digastric m.7. 颈内静脉 Int. jugular v.8. 斜方肌 Trapezius m.9.二腹肌后腹 Post. bel (共 610 字) [阅读本文] >>
 1. 颞中动、静脉 Middle temporal a.,v.2. 颞浅动脉 Superf. temporal a.3.耳后动脉 Post. auricular a.4.面神经 Facial n.5. 胸锁乳突肌 Sternocleidomastoid m.6.二腹肌后腹 Post. belly of digastric m.7. 颈内静脉 Int. jugular v.8. 斜方肌 Trapezius m.9.二腹肌后腹 Post. bel (共 610 字) [阅读本文] >>