1.骨膜 Periosteum2.板障静脉 Diploic vv.3. 帽状腱膜 Galea aponeurotica4.导静脉 Emissary v.5.上矢状窦 Sup. sagittal sinus6.蛛网膜下腔 Subarachnoid space7.下矢状窦 Inf. sagittal sinus8.外板 Outer plate9.板障 Diplo&235;10.内板 Inner plate11.蛛网膜 Arachnoid mater12.蛛网...[继续阅读]
1.骨膜 Periosteum2.板障静脉 Diploic vv.3. 帽状腱膜 Galea aponeurotica4.导静脉 Emissary v.5.上矢状窦 Sup. sagittal sinus6.蛛网膜下腔 Subarachnoid space7.下矢状窦 Inf. sagittal sinus8.外板 Outer plate9.板障 Diplo&235;10.内板 Inner plate11.蛛网膜 Arachnoid mater12.蛛网...[继续阅读]
1. 滑车上动脉、神经 Supratrochlear a.,n.2.眶上动脉 Supraorbital a.3. 眶上神经外侧支 Lat. br. of supraorbital n.4. 额神经内侧支 Med. br. of frontal n.5. 颞浅动脉额支 Frontal br. of superf. temporal a.6. 帽状腱膜 Galea aponeurotica7.枕大神经 Greater occipital n.8.枕...[继续阅读]
1.示指 Index finger2.脑膜中动脉顶支 Parietal br. of middle meningeal a.3. 颧弓 Zygomatic arch4.脑膜中动脉 Middle meningeal a.5. 脑膜中动脉额支 Frontal br. of middle meningeal a.6. 翼点 Pterion7.拇指 Thumb8.中指 Middle finger9.硬脑膜 Cerebral dura mater10. 颞骨 Tempor...[继续阅读]
1.大脑额叶 Frontal lobe of brain2. 额叶下缘 Lower margin of frontal lobe of brain3. 颞浅动脉额支 Frontal br. of superf.temporal a.4. 腮腺管 Parotid duct5.口角 Corner of mouth6.面动脉 Facial a.7. 颞浅动脉顶支 Parietal br. of superf.temporal a.8. 颞浅动脉 Superf. tempora...[继续阅读]
1.颞浅动、静脉 Superf. temporal a.,v.2.面神经颞支 Temporal br. of facial n.3. 面神经颧支 Zygomatic br. of facial n.4.枕动、静脉 Occipital a.,v.5.枕大神经 Greater occipital n.6.枕小神经 Lesser occipital n.7. 耳大神经 Great auricular n.8. 颈外静脉 Ext. jugular v.9.下...[继续阅读]
1.颞浅动、静脉 Superf. temporal a.,v.2.面横动、静脉 Transv. facial a.,v.3. 腮腺 Parotid gland4.下颌后静脉 Retromandibular v.5.颈外静脉 Ext. jugular v.6.耳大神经 Great auricular n.7.面神经颞支 Temporal brr. of facial n.8.面神经颧支 Zygomatic brr. of facial n.9.面神...[继续阅读]
1. 颞中动、静脉 Middle temporal a.,v.2. 颞浅动脉 Superf. temporal a.3.耳后动脉 Post. auricular a.4.面神经 Facial n.5. 胸锁乳突肌 Sternocleidomastoid m.6.二腹肌后腹 Post. belly of digastric m.7. 颈内静脉 Int. jugular v.8. 斜方肌 Trapezius m.9.二腹肌后腹 Post. bel...[继续阅读]
1.颞浅静脉 Superf. temporal v.2.耳颞神经 Auriculotemporal n.3.外耳道 Ext. acoustic meatus4. 颞浅动脉 Superf. temporal a.5.咬肌神经 Masseteric n.6.二腹肌后腹 Post. belly of digastric m.7.上颌动、静脉 Maxillary a.,v.8. 茎突舌骨肌 Stylohyoid m.9.颈内静脉 Int. jugul...[继续阅读]
1.颞浅动、静脉 Superf. temporal a.,v.2.耳颞神经 Auriculotemporal n.3. 咬肌神经 Masseteric n.4.面神经 Facial n.5.上颌动脉 Maxillary a.6.二腹肌后腹 Post. belly of digastric m.7. 颈外动脉 Ext. carotid a.8. 茎突舌骨肌 Stylohyoid m.9.枕动脉 Occipital a.10.咬肌 Masse...[继续阅读]
1.颞浅动脉 Superf. temporal a.2.耳颞神经 Auriculotemporal n.3.面神经 Facial n.4. 脑膜中动脉 Middle meningeal a.5.上颌动脉 Maxillary a.6.下牙槽动脉、神经 Inf. alveolar a.,n.7. 茎突舌骨肌 Stylohyoid m.8.二腹肌后腹 Post. belly of digastric m.9.下颌神经节 Subman...[继续阅读]