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水电水利工程土工试验 共有 55 个词条内容

10.4 Shrinkage limit test by shrinkage dish method

    10.4.1 This test method is applicable to fine-grained soils notcoarser than 0.5 mm.10.4.2 This test uses the sample cup of liquid-plastic limitcombined device as the shrinkage dish.10.4.3 The test shall be carried out in the following steps.(1) Take about...[继续阅读]


11 Wetting Test

    11.0.1 This test method is applicable to the structurally cohesivesoils.11.0.2 The main apparatus shall meet the following requirements.(1) Buoyant keg: Long neck cone, with a hook underneath, and scaleson the neck. The scale distribution is in the range ...[继续阅读]


12 Shrinkage Test

    12.0.1 This test method is applicable to fine-grained soils withcohesiveness.12.0.2 The main apparatus shall meet the following requirements.(1) Contractometer: composed of bracket, pedestal, pad, porous plate,measuring plate and dial gauge. The porous pl...[继续阅读]


13 Relative Density Test of Sand

    13.0.1 This test method is applicable to the sandy soils of particlesnot coarser than 5 mm and can be drained freely.13.0.2 The main apparatus shall meet the following requirements.(1) Measuring cylinder: of capacity 500 cm3 and 1000 cm3, theinternal diam...[继续阅读]


14 Compaction Test

    14.0.1 This test is divided into heavy compaction and lightcompaction. The light compaction method is applicable to cohesivefine-grained soils with particles not coarser than 5 mm, and the heavycompaction method is applicable to cohesive coarse-grained so...[继续阅读]


15.1 Direct observation method

    15.1.1 This test method is applicable to the coarse-sands and medium-sands.15.1.2 The main apparatus shall meet the following requirements.(1) Apparatus of capillary: Including bracket, glass cup and glass tubewith thick wall. The internal diameter of the...[继续阅读]


15.2 Specimen tube method

    15.2.1 This method is applicable to fine-sands and fine-grainedsoils with lower height of capillary water rising.15.2.2 The main apparatus shall meet the following requirements.(1) Apparatus: glass (or metal) tube diameter about 4 cm to 6 cm,height about ...[继续阅读]


16.1 Constant head permeability test

    16.1.1 This test method is applicable to the coarse-grained soilswith particle size not larger than 20 mm.16.1.2 The main apparatus shall meet the following requirements.(1) Constant-head permeameter: height of the metal cylinder withsealed bottom is 40 c...[继续阅读]


16.2 Variable-head permeability test

    16.2.1 This test method is applicable to the fine-grained soils.16.2.2 The main apparatus shall comply with the followingprovisions.(1) Permeable container: consisting of cutting ring, porous disc,lantern ring and upper and lower covers. The inner diamete...[继续阅读]


17.1 Standard consolidation test

    17.1.1 This test method is applicable to the saturated fine-grainedsoils. During the compression test, unsaturated specimens may beadopted.17.1.2 The main apparatus shall comply with the followingprovisions.(1) Consolidation container: consisting of cutti...[继续阅读]

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