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水电水利工程土工试验 共有 55 个词条内容

17.2 Rapid test method

    17.2.1 This test method is applicable to the compression test ofsaturated or unsaturated fine-grained soils.17.2.2 The main apparatus shall comply with that in Tests shall be performed according to the followingprocedures.(1) Rapid test meth...[继续阅读]


17.3 Strain control continuous loading consolidation test

    17.3.1 This test method adopts strain control continuous loadingand is applicable to saturated fine-grained soils.17.3.2 The main apparatus shall comply with the followingprovisions.(1) Oedometer: consists of rigid base (with a hole connected to thepore w...[继续阅读]


18 Collapsibility Loess Test

    18.0.1 This test method is suitable for collapsible loess.18.0.2 Main instruments and apparatuses shall comply with thatspecified in 17.1.2 and shall meet the following requirements.(1) Inner diameter of cutting ring is 79.8 mm with a height of 20 mm.(2) ...[继续阅读]


19.1 General provisions

    19.1.1 This test adopts the strain controlled triaxial apparatus and itis suit for fine grained soil and coarse grained soil with size no largerthan 20 mm.19.1.2 The following methods shall be adopted in testing accordingto the nature of soil sample, engi...[继续阅读]


19.2 lnstruments and apparatus

    19.2.1 Main instruments and apparatus shall meet the following requirements.(1) Strain controlled triaxial apparatus: consisting of the pressurechamber, axial pressure control system, confining pressure controlsystem, back pressure control system, carbon ...[继续阅读]


19.3 Specimen preparation and saturation

    19.3.1 The diameter and height of specimen shall comply with therequirement of triaxial apparatus on the specimen size. The minimumdiameter of specimen should be no less than 35 mm, and the ratio ofthe height to the diameter is 2.0 to 2.5. The maximum par...[继续阅读]


19.4 Unconsolidation undrained shear (UU) test

    19.4.1 Specimen arrangement shall be performed as the followingsteps.(1) Put imporous plate, specimen and impermeable cap in sequenceon the base of pressure chamber. Put latex film into film cylinder,sleeve the specimen with film cylinder. Fix the latex f...[继续阅读]


) test">19.5 Consolidated undrained shear (CU or ) test

    19.5.1 Specimen shall be placed as the following steps.(1) Open pore pressure valve and measuring tube valve. Fill waterand exhaust air for pore pressure system and pressure chamber base,and close pore pressure valve and measuring tube valve.(2) Put porou...[继续阅读]


19.6 Consolidation drained shear (CD) test

    19.6.1 Arrangement, consolidation and test of specimen shall becarried out as the steps described in 19.5.1 to 19.5.3. In testing, opendrain valve on both ends, open specific sleeve valve for the specimenadded by back pressure, and measure and record the ...[继续阅读]


20.1 General requirements

    20.1.1 This test method is suitable for determining stress and strainparameters of soils by triaxial apparatus. This test method isapplicable to all kinds of soils.20.1.2 For each test, no less than 3 cylindrical specimens withsame size and same nature sh...[继续阅读]

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